Jul 27 2016

Graham Reacts to ISIL Attack on French Priest

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made this statement today following the ISIL terror attack in Normandy, France that saw the murder of an eighty-four year old priest.

“The savage attack against a Catholic priest during Mass not only is heartbreaking, but should serve as the last straw.

“The time has long passed for the United States -- along with our allies in France, Europe, and the Middle East -- to form a regional army to destroy the Caliphate.

“Unfortunately, President Obama’s plan is to pass the problem on to the next president.

“I continue to be bewildered by the leaders of the western world who refuse to commit troops to deal with the problem. This is why we have armies -- to protect our people. We must use them in conjunction with regional forces to destroy the Caliphate once and for all.”