Aug 18 2011
Tate Zeigler (202) 224-5972 or Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut) and John McCain (R-Arizona) today released the following statement applauding President Obama for calling on Bashar al Assad to leave power in Syria, and urging other nations to also call for and take action to end the Assad regime:"We applaud President Obama for calling on Bashar al Assad to leave power, a position we have long argued should be the policy of the United States.
"Assad has been given every last chance to respond to the peaceful demands of the Syrian people for change, and he has squandered them all. Instead he has shown that he is wedded to the path of violence, trying to remain in power by slaughtering civilian protesters. It is critical that Assad not be allowed to prevail.
"We urge other nations to join the United States in demanding an end to the Assad regime, whose legitimacy is clearly exhausted. We also hope that other tangible actions will be taken as soon as possible, in coordination with our friends and partners around the world, to support the democratic transition that the Syrian people are risking and losing their lives to achieve.
"In particular, we hope the EU will join the U.S. in banning petroleum imports from Syria and imposing sanctions on the Syrian energy sector, which could have a crippling effect on the Assad regime. We also hope that the Turkish government will use its considerable economic and diplomatic leverage to support the people of Syria against the Assad regime at this critical moment. Lastly, we believe that a binding UN Security Council resolution imposing meaningful sanctions is more necessary and urgent than ever."
Aug 03 2011
Tate Zeigler (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
It was a tremendous pleasure and honor to have known Judge Matthew Perry. More than anything else he was a kind and decent man who helped navigate our state through some of its most difficult challenges.Aug 02 2011
Tate Zeigler (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
I cannot in good conscience support this deal. Simply stated, it locks us into more debt, bigger government and most devastating of all, a weakened Defense infrastructure at a time when threats to our nation are increasing, not decreasing.Aug 01 2011
Tate Zeigler (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
I cannot in good conscience support this deal. Simply stated, it locks us into more debt, bigger government and most devastating of all, a weakened defense infrastructure at a time when we face growing threats.Jul 26 2011
Tate Zeigler (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
Unfortunately, I cannot in good conscience support the Boehner proposal in its current construct. The Boehner proposal, no matter how well-intentioned, will be a straight-jacket on real spending reform. It locks in spending levels well beyond what our nation can afford.
Jul 18 2011
Tate Zeigler (202) 224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417
President Obama's warning to Republicans that he will take the debt limit debate to the American people is music to my ears. Mr. President, I do not fear such a debate. Quite frankly, I welcome it.Jul 14 2011
Tate Zeigler (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417
President Obama’s warning to Republicans that he will take the debt limit issue to the American people is music to my ears. Mr. President, I do not fear such a debate. Quite frankly, I welcome it.Jul 08 2011
Tate Zeigler (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
Now is the time to reduce spending, engage in meaningful regulatory reform, and keep taxes low so we can give American job creators a fighting chance to help turn our economy around.Jul 07 2011
Tate Zeigler (202-224-5972)
Senator Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn today introduced a Sense of the Senate resolution making clear President Obama does not have the authority to ignore the statutory debt limit.