May 19 2011

His outrageous attack on Judge Alito convinced me that Goodwin Liu is an ideologue.  His statement showed he has nothing but disdain for those who disagree with him.  Those are debates that are reserved for the legislative and executive branches, not the judicial. 

May 17 2011

"This is a very good day for the Port of Charleston,” said Graham.  “Today’s announcement is an important first step in a long journey.  I truly appreciate the help the Vice President has provided in this effort.  I appreciate the work of the South Carolina delegation in making this happen.  I also want to thank Senator Alexander, Senator Reid, Senator McConnell, Senator Feinstein, and their respective staffs for the assistance they provided in this effort.  This has truly been a bipartisan effort in the Senate.  Before today, we were literally out of the game and there was a real concern we would fall another year behind.  Now, we’re back in the game.”

May 12 2011

Senators Lindsey Graham, Jim DeMint and Lamar Alexander today introduced the Job Protection Act which preserves federal law’s existing protections of state right-to-work laws.

May 02 2011

“It should be clearly understood that there is no safe hiding spot for those who harm the American people.  Those who act against our nation will be relentlessly pursued and they will be brought to justice.  Today’s announcement has been a long time coming and like all Americans, I’m very glad justice has been served.”

Apr 28 2011

“The escalating crackdown by Bashar al Assad's regime against the Syrian people has reached a decisive point. By following the path of Moammar Qaddafi and deploying military forces to crush peaceful demonstrations, Assad and those loyal to him have lost the legitimacy to remain in power in Syria. We urge President Obama to state unequivocally -- as he did in the case of Qaddafi and Mubarak -- that it is time for Assad to go."

Apr 27 2011

“The sum total of these picks is that the President has chosen experienced people with unique capabilities to serve our nation at a dangerous time.  This team will provide the leadership to help make our nation safer.  I could not be more pleased with these selections.  I hope these nominees receive swift approval by the United States Senate.”

Apr 20 2011

This is one of the worst examples of unelected bureaucrats doing the bidding of special interest groups that I’ve ever seen.  In this case, the NLRB is doing the bidding of the unions at great cost to South Carolina and our nation’s economy. 

Apr 15 2011

I appreciate the effort to try to reduce overall spending for Fiscal Year 2011.  However, when this bill was closely examined it did not live up to the billing of making significant reductions in spending.  In addition, the legislation also failed to provide the authority needed for the Port of Charleston to move forward with plans to deepen the harbor.  I could not say, in good conscience, this was a good budget when it came to spending reductions or job creation.  However, it is now time to move on to the 2012 budget where I hope we’ll make serious efforts to get our nation out of debt and create 21st Century jobs.