Mar 18 2010

Our immigration system is badly broken. Although our borders have become far more secure in recent years, too many people seeking illegal entry get through. We have no way to track whether the millions who enter the United States on valid visas each year leave when they are supposed to. And employers are burdened by a complicated system for verifying workers' immigration status.

Mar 11 2010

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham today met with President Obama and Senator Charles Schumer (D-New York) to discuss immigration.  President Obama invited the Senators to the White House.

Feb 23 2010

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) was recognized by the American Conservative Union (ACU) for his votes in the last session of the U.S. Senate.  The group termed him an ‘ACU Conservative." 


Graham voted the conservative position 88 percent of the time in 2009 and has a lifetime conservative rating from ACU of 90 percent.  The Senate, on average, voted the conservative position 40.63 percent of the time in 2009. 


ACU, which describes itself as the largest and strongest grassroots conservative organization, serves as the umbrella organization for conservatives in America. 


According to ACU, the ratings, “track a wide range of issues before Congress to determine which issues and votes serve as a dividing line to help separate those Members of the U.S. House and Senate who protect liberty as conservatives and those who are truly liberal.  The ratings have throughout the years become a go-to guide to determine whether an elected official’s philosophical rhetoric matches his or her record.” 


Among the conservative votes Graham cast that were part of the group’s 2009 scorecard: 

  • Preventing the release of the second installment of $350 billion in TARP funding.

  • Instituting a ‘spending freeze’ for most domestic spending programs at the previous years funding level.

  • Supporting an extension of the Bush tax cuts.

  • Blocking efforts to undo the ‘Mexico City Policy’ which would have allowed funding of U.S. aid organizations which promote abortion.

  • Requiring 60 votes to approve unauthorized ‘earmarks’ and requiring disclosure of lobbying by earmark recipients.

  • Opposing the Obama economic stimulus plan.

  • Supporting gun owners in the District of Columbia by lifting the ban on firearms ownership.

  • Barring the use of federal funds to re-instate the Fairness Doctrine.

  • Pushing for legislative transparency by requiring that legislation be available for public review for five days.

  • Opposition to the Obama Administration’s ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program

  • Opposition to the government takeover of our health care system proposed by the Obama Administration and congressional Democrats.


Feb 17 2010

The President is fighting a losing battle trying to convince the American people his gigantic stimulus package was a success.  No amount of political spin will change the fact the bill created more government than jobs and dramatically increased our national debt.

Feb 16 2010

Senator Lindsey Graham -- one of the strongest supporters of nuclear energy in the Senate -- called the $8 billion in loan guarantees for the construction of new nuclear power plants "a significant step forward in jump-starting what I hope will be a renaissance in nuclear energy."

Feb 03 2010

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on reports the Christmas Day Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is now cooperating with the FBI.

Feb 02 2010

Senator Graham and Others Call for Action on Trial of KSM and 9/11 Conspirators

Senators Graham, McCain, Lieberman, Webb, Sessions, Lincoln, Hatch, Chambliss, Barrasso and Others Introduce Bipartisan Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), John McCain (R-Arizona), Joe Lieberman (ID-Connecticut), Jim Webb (D-Virginia), Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama), Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia), John Barrasso (R-Wyoming) and others today introduced bipartisan legislation cutting off funding for the trials of the 9/11 conspirators in civilian court.  The bill, which has 22 Senate cosponsors, takes the first step towards protecting the security of the American people from inappropriate trials in domestic criminal courts.  In a press conference earlier today the Senators all supported trial by military commission.

Jan 29 2010

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on reports the Obama Administration is discussing moving the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (KSM) and the 9/11 conspirators from New York City.  

Next week, Graham will introduce bipartisan legislation to cut off funding for the trials of the 9/11 conspirators in federal, civilian court.  He favors and continues to push for trial by military commission.