Apr 08 2005

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint today announced the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded South Carolina more than $42 million in grant money for 2005. The awards consist of $26.51 million for the Community Development Block Grant Program; $12.99 million for the HOME Investment Partnership Program; $1.47 million for the Emergency Shelter Grant Program; $1.36 million for the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program; and $445,207 for the American Dream Down Payment Initiative.
  • The Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) develops communities and provides housing by expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate income households.
  • The HOME Investment Partnership Program creates affordable housing for by allowing communities to design and implement strategies tailored to their own needs and priorities.
  • The Emergency Shelter Grant Program provides funds for the rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for use as emergency shelter.
  • The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program addresses the housing needs of persons diagnosed with AIDS.
  • The American Dream Down Payment Initiative promotes homeownership opportunities by providing necessary resources for down payment and closing cost assistance to lower-income and minority households. ####

Apr 07 2005

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced Health Care Partners of South Carolina, Inc. in Conway will receive a $1,396,718 Community Health Center grant. Community Health Center grants are designed to promote the development and operation of community-based primary health care service systems in medically underserved areas. The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ####

Apr 07 2005

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has been awarded four grants totaling more than $895,000. The grants include:
  • $283,500 to conduct blood disease research.
  • $255,500 to study drug interactions.
  • $203,670 to conduct mental health research in treating the effects of child sexual abuse.
  • $154,135 for digestive disease and nutrition research.
The grants were awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ####

Apr 07 2005

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham’s (R-South Carolina) and Charles Schumer’s (D-New York) work over the past two years trying to get China to stop manipulating its currency received a major boost today when the pair announced the Republican and Democratic leadership in the Senate had agreed to a floor vote on their legislation. “Getting a straight up-or-down vote on our bill is what we have wanted all along,” said Graham. “China needs to reform its trade practices or suffer serious reprisals. For two years, I’ve been telling China it’s time to transition to a market-based currency. The Senate’s vote was the most positive step in years when it comes to reforming Chinese trade practices.” The issue was brought to a head when Graham and Schumer offered their legislation as an amendment to the Foreign Affairs Authorization Act. A procedural motion to table the amendment was brought forward and soundly defeated in a bipartisan 67-33 vote, a majority of Republicans and Democrats opposed the measure. Graham and Schumer then worked with the leadership in both parties to come to a written agreement on timing of a straight up-or-down vote on their free-standing bill, S. 295, no later than July 27. The pair then agreed to withdraw their amendment. The bill calls for a 180-day negotiation period between the United States and China to revalue its currency. If the negotiations are not successful, a temporary across the board tariff of 27.5 percent would be applied to all Chinese products entering the United States. If the President determines at the end of the negotiation period China has developed and started actual implementation of a plan to revalue its currency, he may delay imposition of the tariff for another twelve months. “Two-thirds of the Senate expressed displeasure with Chinese trade practices,” said Graham. “If China wants to be part of the international community, it’s time for them to clean up their act. Until they start playing by the rules, our manufacturing industry will continue to bleed jobs because of unfair Chinese trade practices.” The yuan -- sometimes known as renminbi -- has been tightly pegged to the U.S. dollar since 1994 (approximately 8.28 Yuan to the dollar). If China’s currency freely floated in the market, as is the case with virtually all major world currencies, it would have appreciated substantially. “I appreciate the efforts of the Bush Administration to move the Chinese to a market based currency,” said Graham. “I think our effort in the Senate will be helpful in that endeavor.” #####

Apr 04 2005

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made the following statement on South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford signing medical malpractice legislation into law. Graham has voted against medical malpractice legislation on the federal level. He has argued the proper venue for this change in state law should be addressed by the South Carolina state legislature and governor, not the federal government in Washington. Graham said: “Working together, the General Assembly and Governor Sanford have brought about major medical legal reform we can all be proud of. It’s the result of a lot of hard work on the part of doctors, lawyers, consumer groups and elected officials. The Governor and legislature struck a good balance between competing interests and their work will serve the citizens of our state well. I congratulate them on taking on this difficult task and coming together to move South Carolina forward. “It’s my belief government closest to the people it represents is the most effective. I believe reform legislation designed by our elected officials in the state legislature and signed into law by our governor was the best way to deal with this contentious issue. “South Carolina’s reforms may be different than what has been done in other states, but it’s what we believe will work for us. “At some point, Congress will most likely again take up this issue and seek to establish a one-size fits all remedy. It’s my hope elected officials in Washington will not try to undo the progress our state has made in addressing this issue.” #####

Apr 02 2005

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made the following statement on the death of Pope John Paul II. “Pope John Paul II was an inspiration to all freedom-loving people. His moral leadership, partnering with President Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, helped collapse the Soviet Union. “I am certain history will say Pope John Paul II helped change the world for the better. He will be missed, but his legacy will continue many years in the future.” #####

Apr 01 2005

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced over $12 million in grants to South Carolina airports. “Airports play a vital role in growing the local economy by making the area more attractive for economic development and business recruitment,” said Graham. “These grants are an investment in the future of our state.” Columbia Metropolitan Columbia Metropolitan will receive $4,407,908 to rehabilitate and increase apron areas. The funding also improves the terminal building by acquiring and installing loading bridges to enhance passenger and airline efficiency. Safety at the airport will be enhanced by the installation of perimeter fencing around a portion of the airport boundary. Myrtle Beach International Myrtle Beach International will receive $3,575,138 for the initial phase of construction for the new terminal area access road system to accommodate passenger demand at the airport. The funds will provide for the initial phase of the new apron and taxiway system from the airfield to the newly relocated terminal building. Georgetown County: Georgetown County will receive $1,150,000. Funds will be used to study the environmental impact of the proposed runway extension, fund improvements to the airport access road, relocate airport utilities, and install a new airfield lighting vault. A new rotating beacon will be installed to improve visibility of the facility and thereby enhance safety to aircraft using the airport. Pageland: The city of Pageland will receive $634,216 for the acquisition of land adjacent to the airport. Lee County: Lee County will receive $558,400 to help phase II of the runway paving development which includes site preparation, grading, paving, extending and lighting of the current runway to improve airport facilities and operational safety. Rock Hill/York County/Bryant Field Bryant Field will receive $346,170 for the second phase of construction of the apron to be expanded to meet current demand by airport users. Charleston AFB/International: Charleston AFB/International will receive $312,888 for security enhancements. The project includes construction of a new airport building for storage and maintenance of required airport safety and security equipment. Saluda County: Saluda County will receive $309,733 for the rehabilitation of the existing runway pavement surface to maintain current investment and enhance aircraft operational safety at the airport. Hartsville Regional: Hartsville Regional will receive $221,254 to update the existing Airport Layout Plan. The project will allow for the acquisition of approximately 42 acres of land under the Runway 3 end approach surface to ensure airport control and maximize safe airport operations. Cheraw Municipal/Lynch Bellinger Field The town of Cheraw will receive $166,905 to install approximately 8,500 feet of airport perimeter fencing to increase security and safety for the airport. East Cooper Airport East Cooper will receive $162,750 for a new automated weather observing system to report weather conditions. This system will enhance safety by providing pilots accurate, real-time runway surface weather information prior to an approach or departure to/from the airport. County of Georgetown/Andrews/Robert F Swinnie: Robert F. Swinnie will receive $150,000 for the first phase of design and initial clearing of the airport runway approach surfaces to enhance safety of aircraft operating at the airport. Williamsburg Regional: Williamsburg Regional will receive $150,000 for the environmental analysis and design of the partial parallel taxiway to accommodate aircraft using the airport and improve airport safety. Oconee County Regional: Oconee Regional will receive $115,900 for the final phase of planning for the runway 7/25 extension and includes an airport layout plan, airport property survey and environmental assessment. Marlboro County Jetport - H.E. Avent Field: Marlboro County Jetport will receive $103,550 to provide additional Airport Layout Planning drawings to determine needed obstruction removal in the existing and future approach surfaces. This project will acquire 42 acres of land adjacent to the airport for control of potential obstructions to aircraft. The project allows for the remarking of the current airport runway and taxiway pavement surfaces. ####

Mar 30 2005

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced CareSouth Carolina in Hartsville and Catawba Care Coalition in Rock Hill will each receive a $400,000 grant to help provide comprehensive primary health care for individuals living with HIV disease. The grants were awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ####

Mar 25 2005

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort and Beaufort County will receive $1 million in federal funds to enter into an encroachment partnership. The funds will allow the partnership to purchase restrictive easements from willing owners of agricultural land near the Station to ensure future development does not encroach on military property or training activities. “This is a unique partnership that demonstrates how a military installation and the community can work together for mutual benefit,” said Graham. “These funds will help preserve open space in the community, and address an issue important to the Air Station, encroachment.” The funding comes from the U.S. Marine Corps. ####

Mar 25 2005

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced colleges and universities throughout South Carolina will receive more than $7 million dollars in TRIO Student Support Services grants. The funds are used to offer support services to increase the retention and graduation rates of low-income and first generation college students, and college students with disabilities. Award recipients include: Central Carolina Technical College- $220,000 Claflin University- $267,986 Clinton Junior College- $123,750 Florence-Darlington Technical College- $220,000 Greenville Technical College- $372,365 Lander University- $220,000 Midlands Technical College- $267,986 Morris College- $268,570 Northeastern Technical College- $241,668 Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College- $278,292 Piedmont Technical College- $271,074 South Carolina State University- $235,689 Spartanburg Methodist College- $236,967 Spartanburg Technical College- $263,283 Technical College of the Lowcountry- $267,986 Tri-County Technical College- $285,169 Trident Technical College- $314,273 University of South Carolina/Beaufort- $265,711 University of South Carolina/Salkehatchie- $228,531 University of South Carolina/Columbia- $318,380 University of South Carolina/Lancaster- $244,650 University of South Carolina/Spartanburg- $267,986 University of South Carolina/Sumter- $267,986 University of South Carolina/Union- $234,229 Voorhees College- $234,229 Williamsburg Technical College- $220,000 Winthrop University- $220,000 York Technical College- $271,062 The grants are awarded by the U.S. Department of Education. ####