WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made the following statement on the passing of Ashby Ward, President and CEO of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce.
“We are all truly saddened by his passing. He was a strong advocate for business and a leader in the community. He loved the state and worked very hard to make it a better place to live. He will be greatly missed.”
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has written to Secretary of State Colin Powell requesting the department revoke former Iraqi ambassador to the United Nations Mohammed al Douri’s diplomatic immunity.
Graham said al Douri has been involved in propping up the regime of Saddam Hussein. He also played a leading role in the deceit of the United States and world community about the regime’s weapons of mass destruction program and crimes against humanity.
“I believe that at the earliest possible time Mr. al Douri’s diplomatic immunity should be revoked, as in his own words Mr. al Douri ‘has no government left for him to represent’” wrote Graham. “Mr. al Douri should be questioned immediately about his knowledge of the regime’s weapons of mass destruction program and human rights violations. He should be interrogated regarding his potential involvement in or knowledge of war crimes or crimes against humanity.
“The concept of diplomatic immunity should not be viewed as absolving an individual from legal accountability for regime crimes,” wrote Graham. “To hold otherwise could lead to very disturbing results. For instance, could Saddam Hussein appoint himself or one of his sons as United Nations ambassador and thereby be absolved of all regime crimes? Such an interpretation would be absurd and would violate both the technical definition and spirit of diplomatic immunity.
“Please advise me immediately regarding Mr. al Douri’s immunity and whether he will be interviewed regarding regime crimes,” concluded Graham.
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has written to the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission requesting their assistance in the investigation of Carolina Investors/HomeGold Financial. The letter was dated April 1, 2003.
“I would like to bring to your attention a troubling situation involving HomeGold Financial, Inc., a specialty financial company based in South Carolina and its subsidiary, Carolina Investors, Inc.” wrote Graham in a letter to William H. Donaldson, Chairman of the SEC. “Carolina Investors sold notes and subordinated debentures to the public and turned the proceeds over to HomeGold. According to reports filed with the SEC in recent years, Carolina Investors provided HomeGold with an estimated $267.5 million in capital.
“Without warning, Carolina Investors closed its offices on March 24 leaving more than eight thousand investors with no access to their accounts,” wrote Graham. “Earlier this week, HomeGold Financial filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This situation had had a detrimental impact on the financial well-being of thousands of residents of my state, many of whom had their life savings invested with Carolina Investors.
“The South Carolina Attorney General has begun an investigation into this situation and I urge you to use all of the tools at your disposal to assist in this matter,” concluded Graham.
Graham noted investors should continue to contact the South Carolina Attorney Generals’ Securities Division with their complaint
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) announced today the Department of Defense has released nearly $200 million in payments to United Defense for production of 35 M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles and 103 M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles.
United Defense has a production site in Aiken and the share of funding for the local plant is expected to be approximately $10 million. The Aiken facility produces various components for the Bradley and other military tracked vehicles.
“The employees of United Defense are helping to win the war against terrorism,” Graham said. “It’s great to see Aiken County and South Carolina playing a vital role in supporting our armed services and men and women in uniform.”
The current $200 million installment is part of a $765.5 million contract the federal government signed with United Defense in January 2001.
The M2A3 is used by infantry units to transport infantry on the battlefield, to provide cover to troops, and suppress enemy fighting vehicles. The M3A3 is used for scout missions by cavalry units.
WASHINGTON -- They may be thousands of miles away from the front lines in the war on terrorism, but a Mullins company will play a big role in the war and subsequent rebuilding efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced SOPAKCO Packaging of Mullins has been awarded a $44.9 million contract from the Department of Defense.
The contract requires the company to manufacture meals ready-to-eat (MRE) for America’s servicemen and women. In addition the company will now supply humanitarian daily rations (HDR) to the liberated citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan. Both countries have been plagued by oppressive governments and food shortages.
The contract runs through December 31, 2003.
“SOPAKCO is feeding our troops who are winning the war on terrorism and now they’re going to help feed the starving women and children of Iraq,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “As President Bush has said, the day of liberation for the people of Iraq is near. The tyrant is almost gone.
“South Carolina has played an important role in the war on terrorism,” said Graham. “We’re a very patriotic group and this is another example of our state and a local community doing their part.”
This is the second time this year SOPAKCO has been called on to support the war effort. Last month, the Defense Logistics Agency awarded the company an $18 million contract extension to provide 420,000 MREs. That contract will expire May 30, 2003.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said he was pleased with Senate passage of legislation to provide American military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan with up to $40 of free telephone calling time each month.
The legislation was introduced by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and sponsored by Graham, Senator George Allen (R-Virginia), Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH), and Senator Zell Miller (D-GA). This bill is part of a package of bills introduced by Graham and colleagues to improve benefits and the quality of life for U.S. military personnel.
“It is important to provide the men and women who are risking their lives every day with the ability to contact their loved ones,” said Graham, a member of the Armed Services Committee. “They are serving a noble cause overseas, protecting the American way of life and advancing the cause of freedom in Iraq. For their sacrifice, they deserve the comfort and support of talking to their family and friends.”
In addition to providing free phone time, this bill calls on the Secretary of Defense to work with telecommunications providers to supply additional phones for the troops on the front lines.
Funding for the telephone calling program comes from the Secretary of Defense’s existing telecommunications programs and capabilities, private support organizations, private entities offering free and reduced-cost services, and programs to enhance morale and welfare.
The program will terminate sixty days after the Secretary of Defense determines Operation Iraqi Freedom has ended.
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the Hunley will receive $700,000 in funding from the Department of Defense’s Legacy Resource Management program.
Working closely with the Department of Defense, U.S. Representative Henry Brown (R-South Carolina), and the Friends of the Hunley Commission, Graham was able to secure this funding.
Graham and his staff remained in daily contact with Defense Department officials to ensure success in obtaining the money.
“I am proud to have been a part of protecting this piece of American history. The Hunley is a historically unique artifact that is an object of interest to the people of South Carolina and the nation,” said Graham. “I’m pleased I was able to secure funding for this worthwhile project.”
The funds will go toward continued archeological management and conservation of the Hunley.
The purpose of the Legacy program is to "promote, manage, research, conserve, and restore the priceless biological, geophysical, and historical resources which exist on public lands, facilities, or property held by the Department of Defense."
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced health care centers in Sumter and Hartsville will receive grants from President Bush’s Health Centers Initiative administered by the U.S. Department Health and Human Services.
Sumter Family Health Center will receive $595,833 and CareSouth Carolina in Hartsville will receive $108,333. The funds will enable both facilities to assist more individuals.
“Community health centers are a vital part of South Carolina’s medical infrastructure,” Graham said. “Health centers are an efficient means of helping those who lack or have inadequate health care insurance. They provide medical services to thousands of people who would otherwise end up in a hospital emergency room.”
President Bush’s Health Centers Initiative will add new health centers throughout the nation and expand coverage of those currently in existence. Health centers provide preventative and primary care to patients regardless of their ability to pay. Charges for health care services are set according to income and for some low-income patients fees are waived.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded the state $20.3 million to enhance preparations for a bio-terror attack.
The funds come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and from HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). CDC will provide the state $13.2 million to improve public health system preparedness. The remaining $7.1 million from HRSA is to be used to bolster hospital preparedness.
The funds, part of a $1.4 billion package to states, can also be used to vaccinate health workers and emergency personnel for smallpox.
“During these difficult times, it’s critical our state be prepared to deal with a bio-terror attack,” said Graham. “Terrorists groups have shown an interest in obtaining biological weapons and no one doubts their willingness to use them. It’s important our medical personnel have the proper response plan and training to deal with this real threat.”
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham announced today the inclusion of an additional $8 million in funding in the 2004 Defense Authorization Act for the Consolidated Infrastructure Protection Center (CIPC) at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) in Charleston, South Carolina.
The additional $8 million, secured by Graham in an amendment offered on the floor of the Senate earlier today, brings total authorized funding for CIPC to $244 million.
The objective of the center is to implement a virtual network of engineering services linking various government and private sector engineering service training centers and universities including the Medical University of South Carolina, the University of South Carolina, South Carolina State, Clemson, and the College of Charleston. The network will allow the entire community to share test facilities, simulations, data bases, and other resources.
“I’m pleased the Senate saw fit to include the additional funding for this important program,” said Graham. “The CIPC program at SPAWAR will benefit our military and research universities. SPAWAR has assets that no other facility in the world has, assets that must be protected and expanded”
The Senate is expected to approve the defense authorization legislation later today.