Aug 20 2021

ICYMI: Graham Talks Afghanistan on Fox & Friends

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today joined Fox & Friends to discuss the latest news on Afghanistan.

  • GRAHAM: “If we leave one American behind, if we don’t get all those Afghans who stepped up to the plate to help us out, then Joe Biden, in my view, has committed a high crime and misdemeanor under the Constitution and should be impeached.”
  • GRAHAM: “If the French are willing to use military force to get their people out, if the British are willing to do it, we should join the effort. Why not a joint coalition of the willing effort to get everybody out who honorably served along our side?”
  • GRAHAM: “If you ask our military tomorrow – ‘we’re looking for volunteers to go to Afghanistan to get people out who served with you’ – there would be a million hands.”

Watch Full Interview Here
