Wes Hickman (202 224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864 250-1417)
WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the Greenville Family Partnership, fiscal agent for the Greenville Safe and Drug Free Alliance, will receive a $100,000 Drug Free Community grant to support their efforts to reduce substance abuse among area youth.
The funds will be used to:
- Distribute educational materials and contact alcohol retailers and resellers to increase awareness of binge drinking and alcohol poisoning among youth;
- Offer ongoing weekly parenting classes to make parenting skills training as an option for family court;
- Produce an initial baseline report on youth substance abuse in Greenville County;
- Produce a plan for addressing gaps in prevention, awareness, and treatment services;
- Disseminate information through 4 forums, 20 workshops, a call-in radio show, 3 informational mailings, and in insert in the Greenville News;
- Hold quarterly meetings with law enforcement and government leaders to strengthen alcohol, tobacco, and other drug laws;
- Develop a written strategic plan based on the results of the baseline study.
“Coalitions like this help South Carolina’s youth avoid the pitfalls of abusing drugs and alcohol,” said Graham. “They take a unique approach to this serious problem, addressing not only law enforcement and education, but also getting families actively involved in the lives of their children.”
The Drug-Free Communities Program provides grants of up to $100,000 to community organizations that serve as catalysts for citizen participation in local drug prevention efforts. 183 new grants totaling $17.5 million were awarded today to community anti-drug coalitions across the country.
The grants were awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice.