Press Releases
Jan 11 2019
Graham Statement on Syria
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today issued the following statement on Syria.
“I look forward to meeting with President Erdogan in the near future to discuss common interests and security concerns regarding northeastern Syria.
“There are millions of Kurds living in Turkey who are vibrant members of Turkish society, contributing to their economy, culture and democracy. But I have long contended that there are elements among the Syrian Kurds that represent a legitimate national security threat to Turkey. Turkey’s concern regarding YPG elements must be addressed in a real way to ensure that Turkey’s borders are secure and are protected from any threats. Any final disposition in Syria must address Turkey’s national security interests and concerns.
“From an American point of view, we have strategic objectives that must be accomplished in northeastern Syria. The Iranians, Russians and Assad should not be allowed to be the biggest winners of our withdrawal.
“The mission in Syria is not yet complete and we must continue to work with our partners and allies to ensure that ISIS is destroyed and never returns.”