Jul 02 2003

Graham Announces $1.77 Million for HIV Treatment in South Carolina

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded three grants to South Carolina health care organizations to provide primary health care for individuals diagnosed with HIV. The Richland Community Health Care Association will receive $791,000; New Horizon Family Health Services in Greenville will receive $500,000; and the Low Country Health Care System in Fairfax will receive $485,000. The early intervention services grants can be used to provide patients:
  • Risk-reduction counseling on prevention, antibody testing, medical evaluation, and clinical care;
  • Antiretroviral therapies; protection against opportunistic infections; and ongoing medical, oral health, nutritional, psychological, and other services for HIV-infected clients;
  • Case management to ensure access to services and continuity of care for HIV-infected clients;
  • Attention to other health problems that occur frequently with HIV infection, including tuberculosis and substance abuse.
The grants are authorized by the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act, first authorized in 1990. The programs funded under this legislation work with cities, states and local community-based organizations to provide services to approximately 533,000 individuals each year who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources for coping with HIV disease. “These grants are an important tool in the fight against this deadly disease,” said Graham. ####