Jan 22 2020

Graham on Impeachment: Democrats Are On A Crusade To Destroy Trump

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today spoke to reporters ahead of the second day of the impeachment trial.

  • GRAHAM: “When it comes to replacing [President Trump] nine months plus from the election, you’ve got an uphill battle with me. Because I really do believe that the best group of people to pick a president are the voters – not a bunch of partisan politicians.” https://youtu.be/WbPliVC_neE?t=351
  • GRAHAM: “[Schiff, Pelosi, and Nadler] are on a crusade to destroy this man. And they don’t care what they destroy in the process of trying to destroy Donald Trump. I do care. So to my Democratic colleagues: you can say what you want about me, but I’m covering up nothing. I’m exposing your hatred of this President to the point that you would destroy the institution. Nobody would be saying this about a Democratic president if a Republican House had done this.” https://youtu.be/WbPliVC_neE?t=922

Click here to watch Graham’s full remarks
