Jun 15 2007

Graham Statement on Reviving Immigration Floor Debate

WASHINGTON-  U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made the following statement on the agreement to bring the immigration reform bill back to the floor.  The Senate will resume debate on immigration possibly as soon as next week.



Graham said:



“After 9-11 immigration reform is not just a social and economic problem, but also a national security issue of the highest importance.  I am pleased that the Senate leadership is going to bring the immigration reform bill back to the floor for further debate and amendment.  This is a great opportunity for the Senate, in a bipartisan fashion, to reform a chaotic immigration system.



“The challenge is to bring to the table workable solutions instead of political rhetoric that embraces the unrealistic and caters to fear.  I hope the Senate can rise to the occasion because if we fail it will be years before this issue is dealt with again, and the current chaos will continue to grow.



“Much is at stake for the Senate and the country as we resume debate on immigration reform.  We have a chance to prove to the American people that we still have the ability to solve hard problems, or we can choose to reinforce growing skepticism about our government and fall further in the eyes of the American people.



“As elected leaders of the world’s greatest democracy I hope we will choose to make tough decisions and not pass this problem on to the next generation of political leaders.  I understand the public skepticism about any effort to reform immigration.  However, skepticism should never be used as an excuse for inaction.”


