Press Releases
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has introduced an updated version of the Taylor Force Act with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tennessee).
The legislation cuts off funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until they end the practice of "Pay to Slay" by which the PA pays terrorists, and the surviving family of terrorists, monetary awards for killing American and Israeli citizens. The updated legislation also spells out the steps by which payments to the PA could resume.
Taylor Force was a former U.S. Army officer who was part of a Vanderbilt University tour group visiting Israel when he was brutally stabbed and killed by a Palestinian terrorist. Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction praised the terrorist as a “heroic martyr” and the Palestinian Authority has refused to publicly condemn the terrorist attack.
Taylor’s parents and South Carolina residents, Stuart and Robbi Force, have been strong advocates for ending the practice of “Pay to Slay” and have urged Congress to pass Graham’s legislation.
The Graham-Corker legislation:
- Cuts off funding for the Palestinian Authority until they stop "Pay to Slay" payments and repeal the laws authorizing them;
- Calls on donor countries providing budgetary assistance to the PA to cease direct budgetary support until the PA stops all payments incentivizing terror attacks;
- Urges the United States Ambassador to the United Nations to highlight the PA payments for acts of terrorism and urge other members nations of the Security Council and the UN General Assembly to join the United States in calling for the PA to end this payment system immediately; and
- Urges the State Department to work to highlight the issue of Palestinian Authority “Pay to Slay” payments with other nations and outside governmental organizations in order to immediately end this horrific practice.
Funding to the PA could only resume when the Secretary of State certifies to Congress that the PA:
- Has terminated payments for acts of terrorism against American and Israeli citizens after being fairly tried and who have been imprisoned for such acts of terrorism, including the family members of the convicted individuals;
- Has revoked any law, decree, regulation or document authorizing or implementing a system of compensation for imprisoned individuals that uses the sentence or period of incarceration to determine the level of compensation paid; and
- Is taking credible steps to end acts of violence against American and Israeli citizens that are perpetrated by individuals under its jurisdictional control such as the one which killed American Taylor Force.
The committee is scheduled to amend and vote on Graham’s bill tomorrow, Thursday, August 3.