Wes Hickman or Kevin Bish
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made the following statement after meeting with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mike Leavitt, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and Congressman John Spratt. In April, the EPA will decide whether York County is meeting new federal air quality standards.
Graham said:
“I’m totally convinced, along with Governor Sanford and Congressman Spratt, that efforts to keep the air clean in York County have been successful and we’re in compliance. The county has worked very hard with local industries and local governments to ensure the air is clean and we’re within EPA standards.”
“We certainly don’t want Charlotte politics to hurt York County. Efforts to bring the county into the Charlotte non-attainment area are politically motivated and designed to hurt industrial recruiting and undermine economic opportunities.”
“We presented a united front to the EPA. The Governor’s office and congressional delegation are all singing from the same sheet of music working to ensure York County isn’t unfairly punished for Charlotte’s problems.”