Feb 27 2007

Graham and DeMint Announce More Than $1.2 Million for Scientific Research at South Carolina Universities

WASHINGTON-  U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint today announced more than $1.2 million in competitive scientific research grants for Clemson University, Furman University, and the University of South Carolina.

Clemson University will receive $199,961 for a project entitled “Multi-Institutional Mechatronics and Material Handling Educational Laboratories- Course Development and Student Collaboration.”

Furman University will receive $270,000 for a project entitled “REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in the Grand Challenges of Chemistry.

USC Research Foundation
USC Research Foundation will receive $600,000 for a project entitled “PFI: Polymer Nanocomposites Manufacturing Partnership,” and $149,788 for “CCLI: Novel Instruction Material Development for Embedded System Education in the Undergraduate Computer Engineering Curriculum.”

All of the grants were awarded by the National Science Foundation.
