Press Releases
Dec 09 2013
Graham Will Enroll in Obamacare South Carolina Exchange, Decline Taxpayer Subsidy for Members of Congress
Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) will enroll in Obamacare's South Carolina health care exchange and forego the special taxpayer subsidy available to Members of Congress."I don't think Members of Congress should get a special deal," said Graham. "Obamacare is being pushed on the American people and we should live under it just like everyone else."
Graham noted that under a special exemption issued by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), he could have enrolled in the DC Health Link exchange and the government would have continued subsidizing about 75 percent of his health care premium. This exemption only applied to Members of Congress and congressional staff.
"As a 58-year old male living in Oconee County my insurance costs are going up about $400 a month, more than 200 percent, under Obamacare," said Graham. "In addition, my health care coverage will be a fraction of what it used to be. Sadly, I'm not the only one who will feel the negative effects of Obamacare. It's happening all over South Carolina.
"The worst is yet to come, but I will continue my fight to repeal, replace, defund and allow Americans to opt-out of this horrible government program," concluded Graham.