Mar 20 2006

Graham Secures Unanimous Senate Support for Project Seahawk

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham's (R-South Carolina) budget amendment to restore the full funding of $27 million to keep Project Seahawk operating at the Port of Charleston has unanimously passed the Senate. “Project Seahawk is on the cutting edge in how we should address the security problems facing our ports,” said Graham. Graham noted this was the first step in securing full funding for Project Seahawk and the budget process is far from complete. “The U.S. Senate is on record in full support of Project Seahawk,” said Graham. “This is a solid statement as we enter the appropriations process, and I am committed to working with my colleagues to keep the program fully funded. Project Seahawk is not only important to Charleston, but the nation as a whole.” The Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Resolution must now be passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. ####