Feb 21 2019

Graham Applauds Trump Decision to Leave Troops in Syria

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made this statement on reports President Trump will leave 200 American troops in Syria.

“I applaud President Trump’s decision to leave a small contingent of American forces in Syria as part of an international stabilizing force.  

“This will ensure ISIS does not return and Iran does not fill the vacuum that would have been left if we completely withdrew.  This also ensures Turkey and SDF elements that helped us defeat ISIS will not go into conflict.

“A safe zone in Syria made up of international forces is the best way to achieve our national security objectives of continuing to contain Iran, ensuring the enduring defeat of ISIS, protecting our Turkish allies, and securing the Turkish border with Syria.

“With this decision, President Trump has decided to follow sound military advice. This decision will ensure that we will not repeat the mistakes of Iraq, in Syria.  For a small fraction of the forces we have had in Syria, we can accomplish our national security objectives.

“Well done Mr. President.”
