Sep 07 2017

Graham: CR Vote Bad Deal for Military, Economy

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) released this statement on today’s vote on the continuing resolution (CR).

“I very much support Hurricane Harvey relief funding and my heart goes out to those in Texas who have lost so much during that terrible storm and subsequent flooding.  I continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

“But I do not support a continuing resolution that locks in defense spending that is below acceptable levels and denies the military the ability to engage in long-term planning.  Our men and women in uniform deserve better.  The 90-day CR – with defense spending set at sequestration levels – continues a problem for our military that should have been fixed a long time ago.

“Finally, a 90-day debt limit increase does not give the economy the certainty we need.

“On balance, this was not a good deal.”
