Press Releases
Jun 16 2016
Graham Proposes Pre-Sequestration Funding Levels for FBI to Prevent Future Terrorist Attacks
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has proposed an amendment to the CJS Appropriations bill currently before the Senate which would dramatically boost funding for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Under Graham’s amendment:
• An additional $2.8 billion in funding would be made available to the FBI;
• The funds could be spent over the next five years allowing the FBI to tap the funds on a ‘as-need’ basis; and
• The funding is deemed ‘emergency’ and not subject to the Budget Control Act (BCA).
“My goal is to prevent future terrorist attacks, not respond to them,” said Graham. “We are fighting a war against radical Islam which knows no bounds. Ensuring the FBI has all the tools they need should be a top priority for the nation.
“This funding will allow the FBI to begin hiring, training, and putting the additional agents in the field to protect our nation,” said Graham. “It also ensures they have the analysts and other associated positions to track terror suspects and dangers to our nation. We have never seen more threats to the homeland and we are currently providing the FBI diminishing ability to respond to them. It’s time we reverse that trend. ”
Graham noted that in the next fiscal year (2017) the FBI is expected to have fewer special agents than it did five years ago (2012).
“Homegrown and foreign terror threats against our nation are growing exponentially and we must take the necessary steps to protect our nation,” said Graham. “Increasing the FBI budget is one step in the right direction. It’s one piece of the puzzle that will help us begin waging a real war on radical Islam both here at home and abroad.”