Wes Hickman (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
WASHINGTON- U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint today announced more than $3.1 million in TRIO Talent Search Program grants for South Carolina colleges and universities. The Talent Search Program helps individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds prepare for higher education by providing academic, career, and financial counseling. The program also encourages high school dropouts to re-enroll and complete their education.
Grant recipients include:
Claflin University- $220,000
Horry-Georgetown Technical College- $336,117
Midlands Technical College- $345,561
South Carolina State University- $220,000
Technical College of the Lowcountry- $330,804
Tri-County Technical College- $380,134
Trident Technical College- $382,216
University of South Carolina- $329,914
Williamsburg Technical College- $278,634
York Technical College- $301,656
The grants were awarded by the U.S. Department of Education.