Aug 03 2005

Graham and DeMint Announce $1.2 Million in Grants for Crime Prevention and Control

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) today announced more than $1.2 million in grants to counties and cities throughout South Carolina to support local law enforcement. Grant recipients include: Counties
  • Aiken County will receive $48,808 to purchase equipment including digital cameras and in-car cameras.
  • Cherokee County will receive $28,725 to purchase a police cruiser and communications equipment.
  • Colleton County will receive $38,806 to purchase radar units.
  • Dillon County will receive $19,163 to purchase communications equipment.
  • Dorchester County will receive $34,125 to purchase computer equipment and software.
  • Florence County will receive $60,810 to improve digital imaging capabilities and purchase vehicle audio/video equipment.
  • Greenville County will receive $224,115 to purchase equipment and fund an adult drug court in the Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office.
  • Laurens County will receive $42,007 to fund several projects including education and fingerprinting programs for children, and a community crime prevention education program.
  • Lee County will receive $15,002 to purchase vehicle equipment and tasers.
  • Marlboro County will receive $22,884 to purchase a four-wheel drive vehicle to assist with the Metropolitan Drug Enforcement Program.
  • Pickens County will receive $21,203 to enhance the Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT).
  • Spartanburg County will receive $122,059 to purchase in-car digital cameras.
  • York County will receive $65,770 to purchase a targeting system for the Weapons Training Facility, communications equipment, and mobile data and field reporting systems.
  • Bennettsville will receive $16,683 to enhance the Crossroads Program to help eliminate school suspensions.
  • Charleston will receive $78,732 to purchase a firearms training system to be used by multiple law enforcement agencies in the Charleston area.
  • Florence will receive $61,090 to purchase two vehicles, laptop computers, projectors, and office equipment for the Community Services Division.
  • Georgetown will receive $13,642 to deploy a speed monitoring device.
  • Lancaster will receive $35,246 to purchase equipment, computer technology, and other support materials.
  • Mt. Pleasant will receive $10,722 to upgrade evidence/crime scene software.
  • North Charleston will receive $119,459 to purchase equipment including cameras and radar equipment.
  • Spartanburg will receive $96,455 for the purchase mobile data terminals and software and to make tactical enhancements.
  • Summerville will receive $17,163 to purchase and upgrade patrol laptop computers.
  • West Columbia will receive $32,045 to provide enhanced training for officers and to purchase tasers and a defibrillator.
All grants were awarded through the U.S. Department of Justice’s Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. ####