Jun 25 2007

Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Supports Senate Immigration Bill

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today released a June 20 letter from Charles H. Van Rysselberge, the President and CEO of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce expressing their support for the Senate’s comprehensive immigration reform bill.
“Immigration reform is a federal issue and we support efforts to achieve a national solution to this challenge to support a uniform approach,” wrote Van Rysselberge.  “We oppose any local approach to regulating immigration on the basis that regulation must be consistent from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

“We need immigration laws that are fair and balanced,” continued Van Rysselberge.  “These laws must meet the needs of our growing economy and the test of common sense.  Only through this kind of comprehensive approach can an effective solution be reached.  Securing the national borders is important, but it cannot be accomplished in isolation.”

“I appreciate the Charleston Metro Chamber for taking a stand on this important issue for the future of our state and nation,” said Graham.  “Much is at stake for the Senate and the nation as we resume debate on immigration reform.  We have a chance to prove that we still have the ability to solve hard problems or we can choose to reinforce growing skepticism about our government and fall further in the eyes of the American people.”
