Press Releases
Nov 05 2012
On 60 Minutes/CBS News Controversy
Tate Zeigler (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made the following statement regarding a previously unaired 60 Minutes interview with President Obama on the Benghazi terrorist attack.
“During an unaired portion of his September 12th interview with 60 Minutes, President Obama refused to answer when asked if Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Now that this information has become public, it raises two very serious questions.
“First, the President contradicts the narrative he tried to create in the second presidential debate that he immediately called the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans a terrorist attack. He didn’t. And for many days afterwards he continued to blame the Benghazi attack on a video. It also clearly goes against the false narrative peddled by Ambassador Susan Rice who took to the Sunday talk shows five days after the September 11th attack to say it was a riot based on a video. This video from CBS News, which only came to light yesterday, would have played an important role in setting the record straight and put to rest the false narratives the Obama Administration has tried to create.
“Second, for two out of the last three elections, CBS News reporting has created false impressions. CBS needs to do some serious self-evaluation and give serious consideration to appointing an independent body to look into this matter. There are many good reporters at CBS News who have to feel betrayed by not having full access to the President’s September 12th statements. Some CBS reporters have tried to report on the Benghazi debacle and have brought important information to light. Unfortunately, this important information was withheld from the American people who deserved to hear what President Obama said.”