Aug 04 2010
Meghan Hughes (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has cosponsored legislation to dramatically reduce the paperwork burden placed on small businesses in South Carolina under the Obama health care plan.Aug 03 2010
Meghan Hughes (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
Anwar Al-Awlaki is far more than the ‘Toyko Rose’ of our times. He’s actively engaged in training and encouraging terrorists to kill Americans. I hope the Obama Administration will actively resist these efforts to challenge his ‘Specially Designated Global Terrorist’ designation. It is well-deserved designation for Mr. Awlaki
Jul 28 2010
Meghan Hughes (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today said he was pleased legislation reducing the disparities in sentencing for crack versus powder cocaine is on its way to the White House.Jul 27 2010
Meghan Hughes (202) 224-5972 or Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417
The DISCLOSE Act is a political sham. It seeks to impose new campaign laws right before an election, a rare occurrence in American politics. At the end of the day, it's really all about partisan advantage.
Jul 26 2010
Meghan Hughes (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today wrote to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) requesting a hearing on the investigation into voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party.Jul 22 2010
Meghan Hughes (202-224-5972) or Kevin Bishop (864-250-1417)
We literally have tens of thousands of jobs across South Carolina and millions of dollars in business riding on this decision. We have no recourse. If we don’t get this done now, the impact on businesses in our state will be devastating.